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Economics Story By Siviwe Mbusi HOD

Education makes the national development process fast. Education develops good political ideology.  The standard of living of its citizens is largely dependent on the level of education the citizens are able to acquire.
The value of education and its significance can be understood from the fact that as soon as we are born, our parents start educating us about an essential thing in life. A toddler starts learning new words and develops a vocabulary based on what his parents teach him. They educate him who is his father, mother, brother, sister etc. and how to behave with each person giving them due respect. They also impart him priceless knowledge about ethics and morals right from the beginning when he has a tender mind so that these qualities stay with him for his entire life in the form of conditionings.
How we behave with our parents and how much regard we have for our elders is a direct result of our initial education in our childhood days. So it wouldn’t be wrong to say that a person’s initial education begins at his home. Parents guide their child not just into the first steps when he starts learning how to walk; they also guide him on the steps to be taken with behavior, morality, and respect.
They educate him about the rules of society and why they need to be followed to become a good human being. As the child grows older, his ambitions and desires grow bigger and parents try their best to provide him the best educational environment to make his dreams come true


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