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Powerful remark from the principal of Mtebele Senior Secondary School Mr S Mbusi

A very Good Morning to our school committee members, honourable judges, staff, parents and dear students! I feel really honoured in sharing with you the achievements of our brilliant young students. This is an occasion of joy for all of us as we have come together for celebrating this auspicious day. This goes without saying that the award ceremony is amongst my most treasured occasions of the school as it provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the preceding year, address the whole community and share the achievements, success and plans of our school for the days to come.

Our school truly believes that good education plays a crucial role in building a bright future for our children. Therefore, here we are committed to providing an atmosphere to our students where they all can imbibe good values and learn new things every day. I am extremely glad at the fact that our school committee members as well as teachers are leaving no stone unturned in working towards this direction. On this important occasion, we get a chance to publically celebrate this success achieved through the sheer hard work and perseverance of both our students as well as teachers.

Our students have not only excelled in academics but are also very good at the extra-curricular activities like sports, drama, artworks, organizing school events and many other things. They have not only made us proud, but brought accolades to our school and have given it a nation-wide recognition, thus adding extra feather to its cap. Students like you are responsible for the continuous growth and development of our school in combined efforts with the extremely proficient council members as well as our teachers.

Our school has constantly received attention from media, and has well-hosted the visits of the renowned personalities from the well-known institutions, national as well as overseas. Most of the visitors have even returned to pay multiple visits to our school for closely observing our students and supporting the faculty members. Luckily, feedback received from the visiting faculties has always been positive. This certainly wouldn’t have been possible without our committed staff members and capable students of this school.

I express my heartiest gratitude to the principal, teachers and parents for their support and collective efforts towards the development of these young talents, grooming them to achieve something substantial in life and above all, raising them with a benign attitude. Whatever our students have achieved so far would never have been possible without your constant endeavor.

I am extremely pleased to announce that the contribution of each and everyone present here has borne fruit. So I thank you all for having come together and adding more grace to this ceremony.

At last, I am going to recite a few lines.

“Succeeding in life is as simple as being a good student. All you have to do is pay attention, work hard and give it a best shot.”

Thank you very much!



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